
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

G20 [G-20]

世界20か国・地域(G20 ) G20会議 G20 (=the Group of 20:G7(日米欧先進7か国)、新興国(中国、インド、南アフリカ、サウジアラビアなど)12か国と欧州連合(EU)の財務相・中央銀行総裁による国際会議;⇒come out with, financial summit meeting, Group of 20)

G20 [G-20]の関連語句

G20 [G-20]の用例

At the meeting of G-20 financial ministers and central bank governors, Japan was not singled out for criticism as other participants judged they might initiate a blame game if they pointed fingers at a specific country.

G-20 countries would not tolerate a rapid decline of the yen that could destabilize the global economy though some of them expect the yen to fall further in Japan’s fight against deflation.

It is still difficult for the large G-20 to swiftly respond to such emergencies as rapid fluctuations in exchange markets.

The Financial Stability Board set up the Group of 20 major economies (G20) unveiled a list of 28 global systematically important banks including the three Japanese megabanks of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc., Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc. and Mizuho Financial Group Inc.

The G-20 sought the comprehensive reforms of the IMF and the World Bank in a joint statement.

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