
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law [Act]

出入国管理および難民認定法 入管難民法 出入国管理・難民認定法

Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law [Act]の用例

Before the revision of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law, even if foreign students obtained qualification as certified care workers, they could not work in nursing-care-related facilities in Japan, except in special cases such as being married to a Japanese national.

The government authorized the deportation of 14 anti-Japan activists from Hong Kong who were arrested on suspicion of violating the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law by landing on Uotsurijima island.

Two Vietnamese people were arrested on suspicion of violating the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law by fraudulently applying for refugee status and illegally working.

Under the revised Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law set to go into effect in September 2017, foreign nursing care workers can qualify for residence status of up to five years, with repeated extensions possible.

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