
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Imperial Palace

皇居 皇居・宮殿 御所(ごしょ)

Imperial Palaceの用例

According to the Imperial Household Agency, a ceremony corresponding to a wake for common people when the emperor or empress dies will be held at an Imperial mortuary to be built temporarily at the Imperial Palace.

At the Seiden State Hall at the Imperial Palace, the Ceremony of Enthronement in which the emperor proclaimed his enthronement to those at home and abroad was held.

For a celebration of the enthronement of the emperor, crowds of well-wishers thronged a public square in front of the Imperial Palace.

New U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy, the daughter of the late President John F. Kennedy, presented her credentials to Emperor Akihito during the ceremony at the Imperial Palace.

The Ceremony of Enthronement held at the Seiden State Hall at the Imperial Palace as an imperial traditional ceremony is the imperial key event in the series of ceremonies of the Accession to the Throne of the Emperor.

Thousands of people lined the streets to catch a glimpse of the incoming U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy in a horse-drawn Imperial carriage before she attended the credentials-submission ceremony held at the Imperial Palace.

To improve the water quality in moats surrounding the Imperial Palace, the Environment Ministry is considering using groundwater welling up from subway tunnels.

When the emperor or empress dies, a new charnel house will be built at the Imperial Palace after cremation.

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