
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry


Internal Affairs and Communications Ministryの用例

According to the bill, a newly established cabinet personnel affairs bureau will have jurisdiction over the management of the class-based quota at the National Personnel Authority and the management of the structure and number of officials at the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry.

According to the estimate of the white paper on information and telecommunications released by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry, the use of big data could have an economic impact in excess of 7 trillion yen a year in the form of product development and cost reductions.

Following the passage of a bill to revise the Public Offices Election Law, the education ministry and the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry have been compiling supplementary teaching material which includes points to watch for regarding high school students and elections.

The Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry will admit the use of commercially available tablets and personal computers for e-voting in local elections.

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