
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

International Space Station [international space station]

国際宇宙ステーション ISS (⇒ISS)

International Space Station [international space station]の用例

After a successful liftoff, a first-of-its-kind commercial supply ship rocketed toward the International Space Station.

Dragon, which is an unmanned spacecraft owned by Space Exploration Technologies Corp. of the United States, successfully docked at the International Space Station.

Kirobo, a therapy humanoid robot which is programmed to process questions and select words from its vocabulary to construct an answer, put through its paces by speaking in Japanese with astronaut Koichi Wakata on the International Space Station.

The Konotori 5, an unmanned cargo transporter developed in Japan, which blasted off aboard an H-2B rocket arrived at the International Space Station.

The U.S. space shuttle Columbia’s disaster will be a blow to the international space station (ISS) program, which involves 15 countries, including Japan, the United States and European countries.

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