
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Internet Protocol telephone service

インターネット・プロトコル電話サービス IP電話サービス (=IP telephone service, IP call service)

Internet Protocol telephone serviceの関連語句

Internet Protocol telephone serviceの用例

About 50 percent of the money stolen from personal bank accounts via the Internet was withdrawn from ATMs and 20 percent was transferred to at least 17 foreign countries, including Ukraine and Russia.

About 70 websites which sold bogus pharmaceutical products on the Internet were forcibly shut down from April to September 2014 by the health ministry.

Addictive pastime such as public lotteries, private casino and Powerball has been generating large amounts of money via the Internet.

Antigovernment demonstrations were mostly peaceful ones staged by young people making full use of the Internet.

At a park in the Turkey’s largest city of Istanbul, demonstrators have harnessed the Internet to call on people to rise up, causing the number of antigovernment protesters to swell into the tens of thousands.

Big data, or vast amounts of electronic data, accumulate on the Internet and in the systems of business organizations.

Bitcoin circulated only on the Internet is not under the control of central banks unlike regular currencies.

Bitcoin, which has attracted great attention as it can be remitted at low fees, is a virtual currency circulated only on the Internet.

Business operators in the pharmaceutical industry provide people with estimates about the spread of colds in their areas by analyzing both postings on the Internet about the prevalence of colds and weather forecasts.

Establishing original edition rights would enable publishing companies to file lawsuits demanding the deletion of data if pirated copies are found to be sold on the Internet.

If general voters are also allowed to engage in election campaigns via the Internet, anyone will be able to send an e-mail calling for support for a certain candidate, which may lead to rampant negative campaigns in which voters slander candidates they oppose.

If the use of the Internet is liberalized in election campaigns, the Internet can serve as a means for candidates’ swift rebuttal when negative information is circulated about them.

In FX margin trading, investors can trade around the clock via the Internet.

In job-hunting activities, students now can easily submit their statements of reasons for application to companies via the Internet.

In the LDP’s plan to use the Internet in election campaigns, a legal penalty is also included to counter “spoofing” in which people falsely assume candidates’ names.

In using the Internet in election campaigns, its potentially harmful effects must be minimized to ensure fairness in elections.

It’s difficult to prevent people from pretending to be candidates for public office on the Internet.

Resident registration numbers were leaked via the Internet in South Korea, which resulted in a number of cases of fraud in which identity thieves bought things using others’ numbers.

Social games refer to a system in which players exchange information with others on the Internet by using cell phones or smartphones.

Speaking of stealth marketing, consumers should not be deluded by ratings on the Internet, but should foster their ability to make decisions on their own.

The firm succeeded in incorporating streaming, a technology used to transmit images on the Internet, into the new technology to digitalize analog images for the Internet.

The Internet, which can transmit rumors across the country instantaneously, has rocked the financial system.

The use of the Internet in election campaigns will help galvanize young people’s interest in politics as low voter turnout among people in their 20s has become a concern, while Japanese voters living overseas will probably feel closer to politics at home.

To prevent infringement of information privacy on the Internet, Yahoo Japan Corp., an online portal giant, has announced a set of standards on how to handle the removal of search results.

Washington is staying silent whether it launched a cyber attack in retaliation for the hacking attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment though North Korea’s Internet was on the fritz.

With EC, people can do online shopping or online banking on a network such as the Internet.

With the aim of lifting a ban on the use of the Internet in election campaigns for this summer’s upper house election, the LDP has compiled a bill to revise the Public Offices Election Law.

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