
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Japan Post Holdings Co.

日本郵政株式会社 日本郵政 (日本郵政グループの持ち株会社。子会社として日本郵便(Japan Post Co.)、ゆうちょ銀行(Japan Post Bank Co.)、かんぽ生命保険(Japan Post Insurance Co.)がある)

Japan Post Holdings Co.の用例

Due to a downturn in its domestic postal service as its core business, Japan Post Holdings Co. planning to go public this autumn has sought ways to develop a growth strategy.

Japan Post Holdings Co., expected to go public on November 4, 2015, estimates its initial public offering price will be ¥1,350 per share.

Japan Post Holdings Co. has made an agreement to acquire Australian major logistics player Toll Holdings Ltd. for about ¥620 billion, which will be the largest ever deal for the company.

Japan Post Holdings Co. will go public around fall 2015 and proceeds from the share sales are expected to be more than ¥6 trillion.

The acquisition of Australian major logistics player Toll Holdings by Japan Post Holdings Co. will be the second-largest deal after Suntory Holdings Ltd.’s purchase of large U.S. spirits maker Beam Inc. for about ¥1.7 trillion in 2014, among mergers and acquisitions of foreign firms by Japanese businesses in recent years.

The value of Japan Post Holdings’ shares will amount to about ¥6.1 trillion from a calculation based on the estimated IPO prices.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報



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