
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Japanese company

日本企業 日系企業 (=Japanese firms)

Japanese companyの用例

After the poisoned frozen gyoza incident, Japanese companies were spurred to tighten quality controls on Chinese food products at their factories in China.

A new government will be launched following the House of Representatives election, with the Japanese economy left in uncertainty.

Both foreign-capitalized and Japanese companies are forced to relocate their headquarters functions overseas.

In Japanese companies, a low priority is put on earnings power and returning profits to shareholders. It’s because stable shareholders account for a majority of shareholders, and so management often pays little attention to shareholders.

Japanese companies’ direct investment in Southeast Asia in the first half of 2013 posted a fourfold year-on-year jump to about ¥1 trillion, which is twice as high as China-bound investment.

Local labor costs of Japanese companies operating in China rose by about 60 percent over the past three years since 2010, according to the Japan External Trade Organization.

Many Japanese companies decided to adopt outside board directors to meet the requests of their shareholders at this year’s shareholders meetings.

Nursing-care robots produced on a trial basis by some Japanese companies cost as much as 20 million yen per unit, but the government hopes to promote the robots priced at about 100,000 yen for widespread use across the nation.

Since the poisoned gyoza case came to light in 2008, some Japanese companies in China have adopted measures to prevent toxic substances from contaminating their products by setting up security cameras at their factories and requiring workers to wear pocketless working uniforms.

The ASEAN nations have higher expectations for Japanese government activism and Japanese companies’ direct investment in the region.

The domestic market has been shrinking due to an aging population and declining birthrate, so Japan must expand its economic cooperation agreements with other countries to have overseas markets act as quasi-domestic markets where there are no barriers to entry for Japanese companies.

The government will lower the effective corporate tax rate to boost the international competitiveness of Japanese companies and at the same time to attract greater foreign investment to Japan.

To avoid the high costs of operating domestically, Japanese companies are moving their production overseas. And this leads to the rapid hollowing-out of the domestic manufacturing industry.

Uncertainties surrounding economic recovery are making Japanese companies cautious about capital investment.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報





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