
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Jasmine Revolution

ジャスミン革命 (⇒Jasmine Revolution)

Jasmine Revolutionの関連語句

Jasmine Revolutionの用例

After Fidel Castro and Raul Castro brothers toppled Batista in a revolution on January 1, 1959, relations between the United States and Cuba quickly deteriorated.

America is closer to energy independence thanks to the so-called shale gas revolution.

Due to the IT revolution and trade liberalization, product specialization now is determined by comparative advantages not in finished products but in work unique to each country or region in the context of global value chains.

For the first time since the United States and Iran broke off diplomatic relations after the Iranian Revolution in 1979, U.S. President Barack Obama and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke for about 15 minutes by phone and agreed to work on resolving Tehran’s nuclear development issue.

If reasonably priced oil and gas are exported to Japan by the U.S. “shale revolution,” the cost of domestic thermal power generation would decrease.

The Arab Spring, which is also known as the Arab Revolution, refers to the revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests that occurred in the Arab world from 2010 to 2011.

The celebrations of the 1979 Islamic Revolution were an opportunity for Iran’s regime to tout its power.

The construction of a petrochemical complex in Iran by Japanese firms in 1970s was halted due to the Islamic revolution and the Iran-Iraq War.

The digital revolution has been gathering momentum.

The government will establish a committee dubbed the “panel for the realization of the robot revolution in September 2014.”

The information and telecommunications revolution has enabled the instantaneous transmission of information to every corner of the world.

The revolution is spreading and has tightened the noose around the Assad regime in Syria.

Jasmine Revolution

ジャスミン革命 (北アフリカのチュニジアで起こった革命(民主化運動)。チュニジアを代表する花のジャスミンにちなんで「ジャスミン革命」と呼ばれている。2010年12月18日に始まった民主化運動は、交流サイト「フェイスブック」や短文投稿サイト「ツイッター」を通じて大規模デモに発展し、2011年1月14にベンアリ政権が崩壊した。⇒Arab Spring)

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