英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

L/C [l/c]

信用状 (letter of creditの略。複数形はL/C’s, L/Cs。銀行が取引先の依頼に応じて、その信用を補強するために発行する証書[確約書]。⇒letter of credit)

L/C [l/c]の関連語句

L/C [l/c]の用例

For reimbursement, we have applied to our bankers for an L/C to be opened.

The L/C shall be available for at least fifteen days after the latest date for shipment stipulated in the contract.

To cover this shipment, we have drawn upon you at sight for the invoice amount under the L/C opened by ABC Bank.

We negotiated our draft through the bank above-mentioned under L/C No. 5000 established by the ABC Bank, New York, and commend our signature to your protection.

We opened an L/C for $50,000 in your favor with XY bank.

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