
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Palestinian Authority

パレスチナ自治政府 (=Palestinian National Authority)

Palestinian Authorityの用例

After Israel and the Palestinian Authority have agreed to resume final status negotiations between them, ministerial-level officials from both parties are to meet in the near future to work out the terms and preconditions for the negotiations.

At present, the authority of the Palestinian Authority is limited only to the West Bank, with the Gaza Strip remaining under the control of the Islamist organization Hamas.

Despite intense opposition from Israel and the United States, a resolution in favor of giving the Palestinian Authority the status of a nonmember observer state was adopted by an overwhelming majority vote in a U.N. General Assembly session in 2012.

Israel’s freeze in the construction of settlements in the West Bank might pave the way for realizing a resumption of dialogue with the Palestinian Authority.

Over ways to utilize an agricultural park to process farm produce, which is under construction in the West Bank of city of Jericho with the support of Japan, Foreign Minister Kishida conferred with ministers concerned from Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Jordan.

The ceasefire resolution of the U.N. Security Council has effectively left Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas to address the key issues at Egyptian-mediated talks.

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