
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

STAP cell(s)

刺激惹起(じゃっき)性多能性獲得細胞 スタップ細胞 STAP細胞

STAP cell(s)の用例

At a press conference at an Osaka hotel, Haruko Obokata, a RIKEN unit leader in charge of research on STAP cells, contradicted the final report made by RIKEN’s investigation committee.

At the beginning of the press conference at an Osaka hotel, Haruko Obokata, the lead author of Nature articles about STAP cells, apologized for her carelessness, ignorance and immaturity in the process of writing the theses on STAP cell creation.

Haruko Obokata of Riken Center for Developmental Biology said that her research team would study the mechanisms of STAP cell creation and develop a next-generation cell manipulation technology, such as one aimed at altering levels of reprogramming.

Haruko Obokata, the lead author of Nature articles about STAP cells, has filed a complaint against RIKEN’s conclusion that she engaged in misconduct.

If STAP cells using human cells can be created, this new method can be applied to medical treatment and the development of new drugs.

STAP cells were produced by collecting lymphocytes from mice spleen, bathing them in acid solution for about 30 minutes, and after that by cultivating the lymphocyte cells by adding a special protein. The process transformed the cells into pluripotent cells in two or three days.

STAP cells, which can be more easily and more efficiently produced than iPS cells, are considered to be at a lower risk of becoming cancerous than iPS cells.

There is a high probability that the STAP cell phenomenon was the result of contamination by ES cells.

Withdrawal of the papers on a new method to create pluripotent stem cells would send STAP cell research back to square one, while it could damage the credibility of Japan’s scientific studies.

Yoshiki Sasai, a deputy director of the Riken Center for Development Biology and a co-author of research papers on so-called STAP cells, committed suicide at the center.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報





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