
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Senator [senator]

(名)米上院議員 (米国の上院議員は、任期が6年で各州2名計100名が選出され、2年ごとに全上院議員の3分の1が改選される。先に選出された議員を「先任上院議員(senior)」、後任上院議員をjuniorという。⇒full-scale probe)

Senator [senator]の関連語句

Senator [senator]の用例

At the impeachment trial of Donald Trump in the U.S. Senate on February 5, 2020, Romney, a Republican senator, choked up when he said to vote guilty on the first charge related to abuse of power, as the first senator in U.S. history.

A two-thirds majority of the Senators present is needed to remove President Trump from office.

Former vice president Joe Biden holds an essentially insurmountable delegate lead over his last remaining rival, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

In the Democratic TV debate, Democratic presidential candidates raised pointed questions about the take-no-prisoners politics of Bernie Sanders, a 78-year-old Senator from Vermont.

In the Senate Trump’s second impeachment trial, a total of 57 out of the 100 Senators serving as jurors voted to convict Trump. This exceeded half the number of votes, but it fell short of the two-thirds majority, or 67 votes, needed for a conviction.

John Kerry’s fellow senators voted overwhelmingly to confirm him to replace Hillary Clinton, so his nomination as the Obama administration’s new secretary of state sailed through the U.S. Senate.

Senators voted 42-57 on a motion to restrict debate on the steel quota bill, 18 votes short of the 60 votes needed to pass the motion.

Two-thirds majority of the Senators present is needed to remove President Trump.

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