
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

TPP negotiations

TPP(環太平洋経済連携協定)交渉 (=TPP talks)

TPP negotiationsの用例

Ahead of the upper house poll, a political wing of the Japanese Agriculture Group in Hokkaido has decided to allow its members to vote at their own discretion, as a move of opposition to participation in TPP negotiations.

Akira Amari, minister in charge of TPP negotiations, and U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman started with around 30 minutes of one-on-one talks, with the aim of reaching a broad bilateral agreement before a Japan-U.S. summit meeting held on April 24, 2014.

If it is not certain five agricultural items, including rice and wheat, will be treated as exceptions to free trade, the government will not hesitate to pull out from the TPP negotiations.

Japanese consumer groups and others expressed a range of concerns as no reports were released during the behind-closed-doors TPP negotiations.

Japan has yet to enter full-scale TPP negotiations, but the LDP has not presented concrete measures to prepare for the liberalization of trade, including steps to bolster competitiveness in the agricultural sector.

Japan is calling for the United States to increase its low-tariff import quota on Japanese beef through the TPP negotiations.

Opposition to participation in TPP negotiations runs deep in farming areas.

Prime Minister Abe said that at a summit meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama, the two leaders confirmed abolishing tariffs on all items was not a prerequisite for joining the TPP negotiations.

The Abe administration faces several major challenges such as lifting the economy out of deflation, reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the TPP negotiations.

The ministerial meeting of the TPP negotiations ended without reaching a broad agreement.

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