Tokyo District Court

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Tokyo District Court

東京地方裁判所 東京地裁

Tokyo District Courtの用例

Skymark Airlines’ creditors approved a rehabilitation plan backed by ANA Holdings at the creditors’ meeting held at the Tokyo District Court, though the closely watched decision went down to the wire.

The government was ordered by the Tokyo District Court to pay about ¥1 billion in damages to asbestos victims of former construction workers and bereaved families of dead workers.

The rulings of the Tokyo District Court have been passed down on the two former secretaries of former Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yuko Obuchi.

The Tokyo District Court denounced the acts of the two former secretaries as “serious crimes that make light of the people’s opportunities to monitor and criticize political activities.”

The Tokyo District Court handed down a not-guilty ruling to a Nepalese man.

The Tokyo District Court sentenced the former chairman of Daio Paper Corp. to four years in prison for borrowing ¥5.5 billion of the firm’s seven subsidiaries without collateral, which was used to pay back debts overseas casinos.

The Tokyo District Court will screen about 400 lay judge candidates for the coming trial of a senior member of the defunct Aum Supreme Truth cult.

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