
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

Tokyo Regional Taxation Office


Tokyo Regional Taxation Officeの用例

According to the projection by the Central Disaster Management Council, up to 23,000 people in Tokyo and surrounding areas would die if a magnitude 7.0 earthquake were to strike directly beneath the 23 wards of the capital.

According to the Tokyo bid committee, Tokyo’s stability in management ability would give it an edge in the race to host the 2020 Olympics, in comparison with other two rival cities.

As a solid advantage for Tokyo, a 2020 Olympics staged in Tokyo would be a compact Olympic Games, with most event venues within an eight-kilometer radius of the Olympic village.

At the meeting of South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso, Tokyo and Seoul agreed to cooperate in a forward-looking manner with North Korea’s nuclear development in mind.

Banks participating in direct yen-yuan trading in the Tokyo interbank foreign exchange market will trade the yen and the yuan at an exchange rate calculated on the basis of actual supply and demand.

Bilateral relations between both Tokyo and Moscow have strategic importance in dealing with China, which is expanding economically and militarily.

Bilateral talks between Japan and South Korea seem to be now back to square one, with Seoul filing a complaint with the World Trade Organization against Tokyo.

China is relentlessly applying pressure by various means until it extracts concessions from Japan to make Tokyo sit at the negotiating table to discuss a territorial dispute over the Senkakus.

Europe’s single currency traded below ¥97 in Tokyo.

Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba and U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta agreed Tokyo and Washington would cooperate to prevent Japan-China relations from being irreparably damaged.

Foreign Minister Koichiro Genba proposed creating a framework for dialogue involving Tokyo, Washington and Beijing in his meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

If Tokyo hopes to come out on top in the race to host the 2020 Summer Olympics, its efforts to gain broader public support are necessary.

In the celestial event of the Geminid meteor shower across the nation, about 10 shooting stars were visible to the naked eye every hour in central Tokyo.

Many pundits in Tokyo have prophesied the possible demise of U.S. primacy since the financial bubble burst.

Tensions between Tokyo and Beijing will increase further if China’s pressure on Japan escalates.

The euro plunged below ¥97 level in Tokyo as it was bruised by accelerated risk-aversion moves amid persistent worries about the European debt crisis.

The replacement of the ambassador to China is an opportunity to carefully seek common ground between Tokyo and Beijing.

The Senkaku Islands are within the scope of Article 5 of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty, Obama who is in Tokyo as a state guest clearly stated.

Tokyo agreed with Seoul in October 2011 to raise the currency swap ceiling from the conventional $13 billion to $70 billion.

Tokyo and Moscow agreed to revive long-stalled talks on the northern territories off Hokkaido.

Tokyo and Washington must devise concrete strategies to work on Pyongyang.

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