
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

U.N. Security Council

国連安全保障理事会 国連安保理 UNSC (=Security Council;⇒constitution, drive名詞, obligation, pressure動詞, Security Council, vote動詞)

U.N. Security Councilの関連語句

U.N. Security Councilの用例

According to U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, Russia continues to hold the U.N. Security Council hostage and shirk its international responsibilities.

After North Korea failed to launch its missile in April 2012, the U.N. Security Council issued a presidential statement and warned that it would “take action accordingly” in the event of another launch or a nuclear test.

At the meeting of the tripartite senior diplomatic officials in Washington, Japan, the United States and South Korea agreed that if Pyongyang launches a long-range ballistic missile, the three countries will bring the case to the U.N. Security Council to call for decisive international action.

At the U.N. Security Council, a U.N. resolution demanding that Syria’s Assad regime immediately stop its crackdown on antigovernment protesters was rejected.

It’s a big step forward toward a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear development plan that Iran and other six countries, the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany, reached an agreement on a set of “first phase” arrangements for resolution of the problem.

NATO military forces intervened in the Kosovo conflict without a resolution from the U.N. Security Council, triggering a dispute over the legitimacy of such an action under international law.

The bloodshed in Syria is escalating due to the impotence of the U.N. Security Council.

The ceasefire resolution of the U.N. Security Council has effectively left Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas to address the key issues at Egyptian-mediated talks.

The Japanese government plans to call for the adoption of a sanctions resolution against North Korea at the U.N. Security Council.

The sharp exchanges of Russia, China and the United States at the virtual meeting of the U.N. Security Council on “Post COVID-19 Global Governance” reflected the deep divisions among the three veto-yielding council members.

The U.N. security council failed to put heavy pressure on the Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime.

The U.N. Security Council is working toward the adoption of a new U.N. resolution to force Iraq to accept U.N. inspectors without restrictions or preconditions.

The U.N. Security Council voiced outrage over the Syrian massacre in which about 108 people including many children were killed in the Syrian town of Houla.

U.N. envoy to Iraq Lakhdar Brahimi briefed the U.N. Security Council on plans for a caretaker government.

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