
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

a pair of

(靴や手袋など二つから成るものの)1組 1対 (はさみやズボンなど二つの部分などから成るものの)1着 1丁 (組になった)2人

a pair ofの関連語句

a pair ofの用例

A man arrested on suspicion of possessing a pair of plastic handguns downloaded data on blueprints for the guns from overseas websites and made them on his own by keying the data into a 3-D printer he had purchased on the Internet.

A pair of Chinese Sukhoi Su-27 fighters approached a Maritime Self-Defense Force OP-3C reconnaissance aircraft from behind.

In a morning market explosion in Urumqi, the capital city of China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the assailants set off explosives by crashing throughout metal barriers in a pair of SUVs and plowing through crowds of shoppers.

Seven-inning doubleheaders are commonplace in the minor leagues and college, but big league [Big League] twin bill games will become a pair of seven-inning games during this season by the latest rule change due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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