
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

a set of

一揃いの〜 一連の〜 一群の〜 〜一式 〜一味

a set ofの関連語句

a set ofの用例

It’s a big step forward toward a diplomatic solution to Iran’s nuclear development plan that Iran and other six countries, the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany, reached an agreement on a set of “first phase” arrangements for resolution of the problem.

JISART comprising 26 private-sector fertility clinics nationwide began offering in vitro fertilization services by laying down a set of guidelines for artificial insemination, including the age of women eligible for ovum donation.

The government will compile a set of economic measures to pump up the economy.

The World Trade Organization has a long way to go before it can reach a consensus on a new set of rules governing free trade.

To prevent infringement of information privacy on the Internet, Yahoo Japan Corp., an online portal giant, has announced a set of standards on how to handle the removal of search results.

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