
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

according to

〜によれば 〜によると 〜の意見では 〜の示すところでは 〜に応じて 〜に従って

according toの関連語句

according toの用例

According to a Diet-appointed investigation panel, excessive intervention by the Prime Minister’s Office impeded efforts to contain the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

According to a probe conducted by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, there was a series of questionable stock deals in which trading volume surged just after the capital increase announcements by listed companies.

According to information publicly disclosed by the Swedish Academy, Junichiro Tanizaki, a Japanese writer, was shortlisted as one of the five final candidates for the Nobel Prize In Literature in 1960.

According to its upcoming IPO price range, Facebook is worth as much as $95 billion.

According to KEPCO’s estimate, if all its nuclear reactors remain idle, power supply in August 2012 will be 14.9 percent short of the peak demand seen in summer 2010 when temperatures were extremely high.

According to the announcement of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, an H-2B rocket carrying the unmanned Konotori 3 cargo vehicle bound for the ISS successfully lifted off.

According to the BOJ’s monthly economic report, the Japanese economy shows weakness recently due to a slowdown of the world economy.

According to the Consumer Affairs Agency, some social games are against the law.

According to the Finance Ministry’s Customs and Tariff Bureau, 127 drug detection dogs uncovered 46 cases of drug smuggling and other illegal act last fiscal year.

According to the government’s interpretation of the Constitution, Japan is currently not allowed to exercise the right to collective self-defense.

According to the IMF’s Global Financial Stability Report, Japanese banks’ JGB holdings would rise to 30 percent of their total assets in 2017 from 24 percent in 2011.

According to the Japanese Bankers Association’s investigation, banks in Japan have not committed any misconduct involving the Tokyo interbank offered rate.

According to the ruling of the International Court of Justice, Kosovo’s unilateral secession from Serbia in February 2008 did not violate the international law.

According to the short-term quarterly survey of business sentiment compiled by the BOJ in September 2012, the diffusion index for large manufacturers’ current business conditions deteriorated for the first time in three quarters.

According to the survey, many students have seen the junior high schoolboy physically abused.

According to Yi Xianliang, deputy-director general of the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs under the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea are China’s intrinsic territory, and what China does or doesn’t do is up to the Chinese government.

The Foreign Ministry’s classified documents possibly stolen from its computer include conference materials that could be considered class-2 information in terms of confidentiality according to the government’s standard classification.

The rebates in the beer industry were paid to wholesalers and retailers according to their respective sales amounts.

The U.S. budget deficit for fiscal 2013 will fall below $1 trillion for the first time under the Obama administration, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Though the rules of the Special Olympics for mentally impaired athletes are almost the same as those for people without impairments, the athletes are grouped according to their condition, such as age and athletic ability.

Under the NTT West Corp.’s new discount plan, the monthly usage fee of the firm’s FLET’S fiber-optic Internet connection service for single-family houses will be cut by up to about 33 percent according to the length of continuous usage of the service.

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