
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

accounting documents

経理書類 会計書類 (=financial documents)

accounting documentsの関連語句

accounting documentsの用例

According to a law on management and preservation of official state documents, the decision-making process must also be recorded as an official document.

A citizens group filed a criminal complaint against the prosecutor who made a falsified investigative report on suspicion of forging an official document with a seal or signature.

Equal opportunity, affirmative action and community programs in the company are outlined in a document that describes programs in the United States for women, minorities and handicapped persons.

Financial reports and other documents published by companies are the most fundamental sources of information for investors and creditors.

In an apparent cyber-attack, at least 20 internal documents including confidential items may have been stolen from the Foreign Ministry via an official computer.

Steel industry unions, which had given up their wage demands, signed a document on job stability with management.

The Abe Cabinet has been facing mounting pressure over such issues as the alteration of the Finance Ministry’s official documents.

The documents were sent to the First Petty Bench of the top court.

The Foreign Ministry’s classified documents possibly stolen from its computer include conference materials that could be considered class-2 information in terms of confidentiality according to the government’s standard classification.

Under the common number system, citizens will not be required to submit documents such as residence and income certificates when applying for pension and other welfare benefits, so the benefits of the system are also significant for citizens.

Under the present screening of application documents, even some of shoddy projects in “fake applications” devoid of substances could be approved unless they are strictly checked up.

Under the secrecy protection law, highly confidential state secrets will be disclosed in principle after 30 years of confidentiality designation. But concrete measures, such as how to disclose or destroy documents after the secrecy period ends, have been left up in the air.

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