
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

across the country [nation]

国中に 全国で 全国各地で 全国各地に 全国各地の

across the country [nation]の用例

Amid an outpouring of anger and grief by millions across the country demanding greater protection for women from sexual violence, a young woman who died after being gang-raped and beaten on a bus by six men was cremated in India’s capital New Delhi.

An epidemic of infectious gastroenteritis caused by the norovirus is spreading rapidly across the country.

Currently 653 disaster base hospitals designated by cities, towns and villages are responsible for providing emergency care to patients in serious condition, functioning as headquarters for disaster medical assistance teams from across the country.

Currently, nine of the 10 railway IC cards are interchangeable as e-cards and holders are allowed to use them in about 200,000 shops including convenience stores across the nation.

In light of the threat of rubella spreading rapidly, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry sent a notice to local governments across the country to call on men with pregnant wives to get vaccinated against the disease.

In Saudi Arabia where women are prohibited from getting behind the wheel, more than 60 women across the country claimed they drove cars in defiance of the ban.

In the celestial event of the Geminid meteor shower across the country, about 10 shooting stars were visible to the naked eye every hour in central Tokyo.

Nursing-care robots produced on a trial basis by some Japanese companies cost as much as 20 million yen per unit, but the government hopes to promote the robots priced at about 100,000 yen for widespread use across the nation.

The Geminid meteor shower, the winter celestial event, decorated the night sky across the nation.

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