
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

along with

〜と一緒に 〜と共に 〜と同時に 〜と連れだって 〜と協力して 〜のほかに 〜に加えて 〜に伴って (=together with)

along withの関連語句

along withの用例

Along with economic pickup, the supply-demand gap, with supply exceeding demand, has gradually narrowed.

Along with kite flying and battledore and shuttlecock, top spinning has been enjoyed by children as a game during the New Year holiday.

Along with the deterioration of business performance, the electronics maker has withdrawn ¥61 billion from its deferred tax assets.

Assad’s Syrian government forces left rebels under siege along with thousands of civilians by retaking many of the areas surrounding Homs.

As the fifth wave of new coronavirus infections is approaching its end, the government has decided to lift the declaration of a state of emergency now in effect in 19 prefectures, together with [along with] pre-emergency [semi-emergency] coronavirus measures in place in 8 other prefectures.

In order to pay tribute to former German President Weizsäcker, Chancellor Angela Merkel and ministers packed into Berlin’s cathedral along with foreign dignitaries.

New Komeito has insisted that a lower tax rate should be introduced along with the consumption tax rate hike to 10 percent.

Overtime work has increased along with the economic recovery, so workers are forced to use their early morning hours for personal activities, rather than at night.

The Abe administration has positioned educational reform as an important issue to be tackled along with economic recovery.

The lineup of trendy goods should be improved as our management policy along with atmosphere that makes shoppers feel at ease.

Yuzuru Hanyu, who won the gold medal in the event of figure skating at the Sochi Winter Olympics, stood on a stage set up on a large vehicle along with members of the figure skating club of Tohoku High School, his alma mater.

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