
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

as a result of

〜の結果として 〜の結果 〜のため 〜で 〜により 〜に伴って 〜の影響で

as a result ofの用例

Air pollution has become a serious problem in China as a result of the country’s focus on economic growth above all else by ignoring environmental protection measures.

As a result of the development of digitalization, working styles are becoming more diverse.

As a result of the tie-up, Yasuda Life Direct expects to expand its sales network, while Fukoku hopes to diversify its products.

Children and young people who look after family members on a daily basis, mainly as a result of the declining birthrate and aging population as well as an increase in the number of working parents, are dubbed “young carers.”

Chinese shadow banks increasingly became inclined to function as investment banks as a result of the bulge in the assets of them, and eventually created “wealth management” investment vehicles.

College fees concerning enrollment, tuition, facility equipment usage fees and others are tax-free, but universities have to assume an increasing financial burden as a result of the consumption tax hike when they purchase supplies from April 2014.

Japan lost more than ¥3 trillion of national wealth in 2011 to import fossil fuels as a result of the power scarcity due to the suspension of all nuclear power reactors.

Tap water supply services in many areas are subject to integration to expand the service areas as a result of the declining population.

The Patent Law stipulates that patents obtained as a result of duties performed by a corporate employee belong to the employee.

There is slow progress in economic improvement among nonmanufacturing businesses, largely as a result of sluggish sales at retailers due to the ongoing deflation.

To defeat deflation and achieve an economic recovery, it is necessary to restore a process that allows funds made available as a result of the BOJ’s monetary easing to be used as loans for plant and equipment investments to expand corporate profits and jobs.

Two domestic carriers have been given a total of ¥85 billion in emergency loans by the governmental Development Bank of Japan to overcome losses caused by a downturn in airline passengers as a result of the Iraq war and SARS outbreak.

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