
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

as a whole

〜全体として 〜全体の 〜をひとまとめにして 総じて 全体として

as a wholeの関連語句

as a wholeの用例

As Ospreys transport aircrafts are superior in terms of cruising speed and flight range, they will help U.S. marines improve their rapid response capabilities and strengthen the deterrent of U.S. forces as a whole.

Children and young people serving as young carers bear a heavy burden of providing care for family members, so we need to support them via society as a whole.

Developing countries assert that advanced countries have emitted a massive amount of greenhouse gas with their industrial production. But the total amount of emissions from developing countries as a whole has topped the total amount for advanced countries now.

Economic reinvigoration of Asia-Pacific nations as a whole is indispensable for a full-fledged recovery of the world economy.

Spring wage increase negotiations, as a whole, have turned out to be tough for employees because company after company offered wage hikes lower than in the previous year.

The culprits for the financial crisis are the bubble in the real estate market and the overheated economy as a whole.

The DI for business sentiment among large manufacturers is used as a benchmark for national business trends as a whole.

The domestic soft-drink market as a whole has experienced year-on-year losses.

The entertainment and financial service divisions of the firm are doing well, but the key to resuscitating its business performance as a whole hinges upon the success or failure of the electronics unit.

The sectarian conflict among Muslims in Yemen may lead to a full-fledged proxy war among regional powers and the destabilization of the Middle East as a whole.

The widening income disparities among young people could lead to an expansion in the gap among members of the population as a whole.

as a whole

〜全体として 〜をひとまとめにして (⇒as a whole)

as a wholeの関連語句

as a wholeの用例

A nuclear energy policy is important in helping ensure a stable power supply and protecting the environment, and it also affects the whole spectrum of matters related to steering the ship of state, including the nation’s economy, diplomacy and national security.

As Ospreys transport aircrafts are superior in terms of cruising speed and flight range, they will help U.S. marines improve their rapid response capabilities and strengthen the deterrent of U.S. forces as a whole.

Developing countries assert that advanced countries have emitted a massive amount of greenhouse gas with their industrial production. But the total amount of emissions from developing countries as a whole has topped the total amount for advanced countries now.

The Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office supervises information handled by the whole government, but it is regarded as an outpost of the National Police Agency.

The DI for business sentiment among large manufacturers is used as a benchmark for national business trends as a whole.

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