
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

as much as

〜ほども 〜も 〜もの

as much asの用例

According to an OECD estimate, tax revenues lost worldwide due to tax dodges by multinational firms, which exploited the differences in taxation systems among the countries where they conduct business, amount to as much as ¥30 trillion a year.

According to Moody’s Investors Service, Egypt is likely to default on about 10 percent of its outstanding external debt in 2014 and fail to honor as much as 40 percent within five years.

As the issue of food waste, as much as 6.43 million tons of still-edible [still-eatable] food is thrown away each year in Japan, which is equivalent to more than a rice ball a day for every single person.

Indonesia has chalked up large trade deficits due to the decline in primary commodity prices and the rupiah has weakened as much as 17 percent against the U.S. dollar as of September 2013.

Nursing-care robots produced on a trial basis by some Japanese companies cost as much as 20 million yen per unit, but the government hopes to promote the robots priced at about 100,000 yen for widespread use across the nation.

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