
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

asset erosion

資産の目減り 資産価額の低下

asset erosionの関連語句

asset erosionの用例

According to the BOJ’s Policy Board decision, funding for the purchase of government bonds and other assets will be increased to ¥80 trillion from ¥70 trillion as an additional monetary-easing measure.

AIJ Investment Advisors Co. allegedly concluded discretionary investment contracts with corporate pension funds by falsely promising stable and high returns on their assets.

All nine members of the BOJ’s Policy Board, or the governor, two deputy governors and six board members, agreed to provide more money to financial markets by bolstering the fund for the purchase of government bonds and other assets.

Along with the deterioration of business performance, the electronics maker has withdrawn ¥61 billion from its deferred tax assets.

As Japan’s central bank has decided on an additional monetary easing package worth ¥10 trillion, the bank’s fund to purchase government bonds and other assets will exceed ¥100 trillion.

Assets to be purchased by the BOJ as its additional monetary easing measure include ¥5 trillion in short-term government bonds and ¥5trillion long-term bonds.

At its Policy Board meeting, the BOJ decided to increase the amount in a reserve fund used to purchase government bonds and other assets by ¥10 trillion to ¥80 trillion as additional easing moves.

Chinese shadow banks increasingly became inclined to function as investment banks as a result of the bulge in the assets of them, and eventually created “wealth management” investment vehicles.

Due to a widespread property boom across China and the growing popularity of high-yielding wealth management products, the assets of the country’s shadow banks have swollen swiftly.

Germany’s 10-year government bonds are regarded as one of the safest assets in the eurozone.

Great rotation refers to the shift of investment money from low-risk assets such as U.S. Treasuries and the yen into riskier assets such as stocks.

Gross foreign assets held by Japanese in the form of direct investment, securities investment, financial derivatives, loans and export credits, deposits, other investments and official foreign reserves came to ¥379.78 trillion.

In a global carry trade, hedge funds borrow low-interest yen funds to invest in dollar-denominated assets.

In the case of hyperinflation, investors put their assets in hard assets like real estate and gold.

Japan increasingly looks like to have liabilities exceed assets as of the end of fiscal 2010.

Market players began to move funds away from risky assets such as stocks.

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. agreed to pay $8.6 million to the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control to settle alleged U.S. sanction violations related to the transfer of funds to client accounts in Myanmar, Iran and Cuba.

Our business is the management of assets, and in doing so, we must look at both short-term and long-term considerations.

Several officials of the ousted regime salted away billions of dollars in ill-gotten assets.

TEPCO’s liabilities are expected to exceed its assets for the business term ending in March 2013 without financing from the Nuclear Damage Liability Facilitation Fund and TEPCO’s main banks.

The BOJ pours money into the market by purchasing financial assets such as government bonds from financial institutions.

The company’s financial statements are not based on the book value of the assets at time they were obtained.

The company will put all its efforts into increasing its profitability and promptly selling its unnecessary assets.

The U.S. government froze the assets of four individuals and eight entities that were involved in illicit activities such as money laundering, currency counterfeiting and narcotics trafficking.

asset erosion

資産の目減り 資産価額の低下

asset erosionの関連語句

asset erosionの用例

If a financial system crisis should occur due to sharp fall in Japanese government bond prices, the Japanese people would suffer an erosion of their financial assets.

Progress in the disposal of nonperforming loans and receding concerns over further deterioration in regional economies have led to diminished risk of asset erosion.

The U.S. tried to prevent an erosion of corporate ethics among financial institutions by refusing to provide public funds to Lehman Brothers.

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