
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

bank failure

銀行破たん (=bank’s collapse)

bank failureの関連語句

bank failureの用例

A top corporate official should be seen as a failure if he fires employees as a means slashing fat from his company.

At the press conference, Sharp President Takashi Okuda admitted concentrated investment in LCD TV production business in the past was a failure.

Failure to reach an agreement between President Barack Obama and Congress could result in a fiscal contraction of up to $503 billion a year, pushing down real GDP growth by about 3 percent.

In Thailand, budget compilation and the approval of large-scale investments have been hindered by the government’s failure to function effectively due to the political imbroglio.

It is necessary to have an unwavering resolve never to repeat the same failure, in order to restore the lost trust.

Japan’s future development rests on its success or failure in nurturing talented human resources.

LDP President Sadakazu Tanigaki’s failure to win the support of Makoto Koga was a blow that put his reelection in serious jeopardy.

Over nuclear talks between Iran and the West, the Iranian senior official sought to put the onus on the West for any failure to reach an agreement.

The approval rate of U.S. President Barack Obama temporarily sank to its lowest level since his inauguration as he had a series of failures in both domestic and foreign affairs.

The changing and canceling of orders often cause computer system failures at stock exchanges.

The entertainment and financial service divisions of the firm are doing well, but the key to resuscitating its business performance as a whole hinges upon the success or failure of the electronics unit.

The firm has gone effectively bankrupt after banks suspended transactions with it on its second failure to honor a bill.

The number of surplus workers approached a peak of 3.59 million in the January-March quarter of 1999, following a spate of failures at major financial institutions.

The stands of the two protagonists are marked by an absence of trust, with each blaming the other for a failure to live up to the terms of 1994 deal.

The three companies have made various structural reforms under their respective new leaders, but they still have not cleared away the residue of their past failures.

This practice improvement plan must include steps to prevent such failures or breaches.

Under the payoff system, the guaranteed refund in the event of a bank’s failure will be capped at ¥10 million of principal plus accrued interests in savings deposits.

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