
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

because of

〜のために 〜なので 〜が原因で 〜のせいで 〜で

because ofの用例

Because of soaring labor costs, the Japanese maker of small and midsize televisions lowered its production ratio in China that previously accounted for 90 percent of its total output.

Because of the domestic lengthy process of approving production and sales of medical devices, some domestic medical device makers have been applying for product approval in Europe and the United States first.

Because of the tight security surrounding Sochi, visitors to the Olympic Village where about 6,000 athletes are staying have to go through stringent ID checks.

Hello Work job placement offices plan to expand counseling services for young workers to prevent them from being compelled to accept unreasonable treatment because of their weak positions vis-à-vis management.

Japan’s exports and production have been reduced because of the slowdown of foreign economies and the worsening of relations with China.

Pyongyang’s announcement that it would extend the launch window of its ballistic missile by a week because of a missile glitch is pointed out to have been a possible smokescreen.

Speculative money has poured into emerging economies, causing an appreciation of their currencies and asset inflation because of drastic monetary easing by Japan, the United States and Europe.

The government offers subsidies to companies hiring middle-aged and elderly workers who have lost their jobs because of corporate restructuring or downsizing.

There was no heat because of the power outage due to the heavy snow, so hotel guests reportedly toughed it out in the cold with only blankets.

Under the current freedom of information system, it’s difficult for people to access information because of the narrow range of disclosure.

because of

〜のために 〜が原因で 〜の理由で 〜のせいで 〜で 〜による 〜なので (=by reason of)

because ofの関連語句

because ofの用例

Although pension benefits have continued to swell as the population ages, revenue for premiums to fund the pension system has not increased due to a decline in the working population and a drop in wages because of the sluggish economy.

Because of soaring labor costs, the Japanese maker of small and midsize televisions lowered its production ratio in China that previously accounted for 90 percent of its total output.

Companies which had held back on hiring new graduates because of the Lehman shock started again to actively take on new employees.

Hello Work job placement offices plan to expand counseling services for young workers to prevent them from being compelled to accept unreasonable treatment because of their weak positions vis-à-vis management.

Japan’s exports and production have been reduced because of the slowdown of foreign economies and the worsening of relations with China.

North Korea’s people suffer terribly because of the decisions the country’s leaders have made.

Pyongyang’s announcement that it would extend the launch window of its ballistic missile by a week because of a missile glitch is pointed out to have been a possible smokescreen.

There are at least 17 people nationwide who remain unidentified in nursing care facilities and hospitals though they were taken into protective custody temporarily because of their suffering from dementia.

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