
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

behavior [Brit. behaviour]

(名)行動 行為 活動 動向 動き 変動 政策

behavior [Brit. behaviour]の関連語句

behavior [Brit. behaviour]の用例

Before a female professional wrestler took her own life, she had been severely defamed on social media regarding her behavior on Fuji TV’s popular program “Terrace House.”

In the breach of trust case in connection the rebuilding plan and the procurement of medical equipment of Nihon University’s affiliated hospital, a former member of the university’s board was indicted on charges of causing the university to incur about ¥420 million in losses.

It is vital for Japan to strengthen the Japan-U.S. defense cooperation and enhance its deterrent capability in order to respond to China’s rapid military buildup and risky threatening behavior as well as North Korea’s military provocations.

It’s clear that the behavior of former U.S. President Donald Trump prevented a peaceful transfer of power and he called for a march to Congress at a supporters’ rally on Jan. 6, 2021 when Congress was in the proceedings to formally confirm the election of Democratic candidate Joe Biden as the next president.

Nihon University has not filed a criminal complaint yet in the breach of trust case despite the financial harm caused by the former board members.

Putin’s urgent task after assuming the presidency in May 2012 is wiping out illegal behavior including corruption among public servants with practical measures.

Suspicions of other shady behavior by the bank have emerged.

The court had every reason to conclude that the defendant’s behavior constituted a serious premeditated crime.

We commit to these values to guide our decisions and behavior.

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