
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

business performance

営業成績 業績 経営状況 経営 (=business results)

business performanceの関連語句

business performanceの用例

Along with the deterioration of business performance, the electronics maker has withdrawn ¥61 billion from its deferred tax assets.

As TEPCO’s business performance has been deteriorating, it has the option of once again raising utility rates by a large margin to improve its earnings. But it would deliver a great blow to households and businesses in its service areas.

If business performance worsens further, some of these surplus workers may lose their jobs.

In contrast, Toshiba and Hitachi, or major rivals of Sony, forged ahead with TV unit restructuring far sooner and saw their business performance pick up markedly.

It is extremely difficult for TEPCO to achieve its goal of moving back into the black in its recurring profits in this fiscal year as the utility’s business performance has been deteriorating as its reliance on thermal power generation has increased.

Kanebo’s poor business performance is a result of its pentagon management that saw a lack of coordination between businesses.

Since the launch of the second Abe administration in late 2012, business performances of major companies, especially exporters, have picked up, and employment conditions also have improved.

The business performance of Japanese exporting companies is deteriorating fast due to the simultaneous slowdown of the global economy.

The company initially estimated a net profit of ¥50 billion, but it has announced it expects to post a consolidated net loss of ¥765 billion in the current fiscal year, a downward revision of its projected business performance.

The entertainment and financial service divisions of the firm are doing well, but the key to resuscitating its business performance as a whole hinges upon the success or failure of the electronics unit.

The poor business performance of flat-screen TVs and personal computers was a major factor behind the Jan. 27, 2014 downgrading of Sony to speculative Ba1, or junk status, by Moody’s Japan.

The primary factor behind the company’s sizable loss is poor business performance in its main product lines such as flat-screen TVs and digital cameras.

There is no telling whether the company can put its business performance back on the path to growth.

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