
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

business year ending March 31

3月期 3月期決算 3月31日終了事業年度

business year ending March 31の用例

In the business year ending in March 31, 2020, the number of companies which will see their profits decline significantly or fall into the red is expected to increase due to the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19).

Japan Post Co. is expected to record a deficit of ¥26 billion for after-tax profit in the business year ending in March 2015.

On the back of increased demand for travel, East Japan Railway Co. posted a record high profit in its consolidated settlement of accounts for the business year ending March 2014.

Toyota revised upward its consolidated operating profit estimates for the business year ending March 31, 2013, largely due to improved profitability in its exports from a weakening of the yen in response to “Abenomics,” the economic policy of the Abe administration.

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[1973~ ]プロ野球選手。愛知の生まれ。本名、鈴木一朗。平成3年(1991)オリックスに入団。平成6年(1994)、当時のプロ野球新記録となる1シーズン210安打を放ち首位打者となる。平成13年(...


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