
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

call on [upon]

求める 要求する 呼びかける

call on [upon]の用例

As incidents in which unaccounted-for infants died after being abused are increasing, the health ministry called on local governments to conduct a fact-finding survey regarding unaccounted-for children under 18.

At a park in the Turkey’s largest city of Istanbul, demonstrators have harnessed the Internet to call on people to rise up, causing the number of antigovernment protesters to swell into the tens of thousands.

At the 19th Conference on Climate Change (COP19) in Warsaw, advanced countries, including Japan, called on developing countries to adopt the stance of reducing emissions on their own initiative.

Because of the spread of the new coronavirus, people are called on to refrain from visiting parks and playground equipments at parks managed by the Tokyo metropolitan government are no longer available.

French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde chosen as the new managing director of the IMF is expected to maintain an austere stance of calling on Greece to reform itself.

G-7 finance ministers said in a statement that they stood ready to call upon the IEA to take appropriate action to ensure that the market was fully supplied.

In a bizarre move, the Rules and Administration committees of both houses of the Diet have called on the government to investigate the media report on planned government nominations in advance.

In its guidelines for banking supervision, the Financial Services Agency calls on banks not to make transactions with crime-affiliated forces.

In light of the threat of rubella spreading rapidly, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry sent a notice to local governments across the country to call on men with pregnant wives to get vaccinated against the disease.

In the COP18, emerging and developing countries called on the industrialized nations to increase their financial support for their efforts to reduce emissions. But the industrialized nations, mired in their own fiscal problems, responded negatively, thereby kicking the can down the road.

Okinawa Gov. Hirokazu Nakaima asked Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto to call on the United States to take strict action on the alleged rape and to cooperate with the Japanese investigation.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe declared a state of emergency and called on companies to reduce the number of workers commuting to the office by at least 70% to ensure that people refrain from going out.

Shigeru Ishiba, state minister in charge of revitalization of local economies, called on other Cabinet members concerned to exert their leadership in bringing to fruition the local governments’ demands for power transfer to the greatest possible extent.

The G-8 declaration called on Greece and other European nations to make self-reliant efforts to resolve the European sovereign debt crisis.

The new treaty of the European Union calls on member countries to enhance fiscal discipline.

The United States has called on China to work to improve the transparency of China’s military capacities, including cyber-attack capabilities.

The U.N. observer mission in Syria called on both President Assad and his opposition to stop fighting and allow a tenuous ceasefire to take hold.

“Wall Street is always ahead of the curve, and so now is your chance.” By saying so at the New York Stock Exchange, Prime Minister Abe called on investors to actively invest in Japan.

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