
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

carry out

実行する 実施する 実践する 行う 執行する 執(と)り行う 遂行する 成し遂げる

carry outの関連語句

carry outの用例

About 14 percent of 2,000 companies will hire more university students set to graduate in spring 2015, according to a questionnaire survey carried out by a job information provider.

An Islamist radical group, which has announced its intention to carry out terrorist attacks on the Sochi Winter Olympic Games, has also claimed responsibility for a series of suicide attacks that hit Volgograd, northeast of Sochi, in December 2013.

Both the emperor and empress have been steadily carrying out their official duties since the emperor acceded to the throne.

By producing nerve and bone cells from the iPS cells produced from patients who have rare diseases, research to identify the causes of rare diseases has been carried out.

Former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan’s ceasefire arbitration plans have been pushed to the brink of collapse by a string of massacres in the central Syrian town of Houla, where government forces carried out artillery attacks and more than 100 bodies were found.

In the Pacific Ocean off the coasts of Aichi and Mie prefectures, the government carried out drilling operations in 2012.

Investment management is carried out under the principle of self-responsibility.

Japan Exchange Group Inc. (JPX) carried out the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s merger with the Osaka Securities Exchange’s cash equity market.

Seiji Maehara, the state minister for national policy, said that fiscal and financial policy would be carried out steadily and seamlessly.

The dissolution of a corporate pension fund cannot be carried out without agreement from three-fourths or more of member companies of the fund and others.

The execution of three death-row murder inmates were carried out, the first executions since two inmates were executed 20 months ago on July 28, 2010.

The practices such as imposing an urban lockdown or banning going out, carried out in Wuhan, are not considered now in Japan.

The unmanned Konotori 3 cargo vehicle is set to dock with the ISS and Japanese astronaut Akihito Hoshide will carry out the task using the ISS’s robot arm in collaboration with an American colleague.

Universities are required of improving their quality of education by carrying out the recommendations of the Central Council of Education.

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