
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

cash benefit

現金給付 現金給付金(cash payments) (⇒cash benefit)

cash benefitの関連語句

cash benefitの用例

According to the EU-U.S. joint panel’s interim report, an FTA will reap great benefits to both sides.

Albeit not free from risk, the benefits of capital market liberalization were considered to outweigh costs.

An executive of a midsized supermarket said that it would be at least six months before economic recovery benefits would reach supermarkets.

As a sign that layoffs are accelerating amid [in the midst of] the coronavirus outbreak, more than 6.6 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week.

Benefits for occupational employees are not directly pay-related.

By issuing a number card with a facial photo and an IC chip to Japanese citizens, the My Number system is intended to allow administrative bodies to better manage social security benefits and tax payments.

Curbing benefits is needed to ensure the stability of the pension system.

Domestic industries including tourism are highly expected to reap the benefits if the expanded budget services by LCCs attract more tourists from other Asian regions to Japan.

Former GM Chairman and CEO will get $1.64 million in benefits annually for each of the next five years, plus an annual pension of $74,030 for the rest of his life.

Freelancers who don’t belong to companies are not eligible for generous benefits because the current social security system is designed mainly for company employees.

If the present pay-as-you-go pension system is shifted to a funded pension system, the working population would shoulder a double burden, or paying premiums to provide benefits to the elderly as well as premiums to fund pensions they would receive after retirement.

Now that social security benefits for pensions, medical care and nursing care will steadily rise in the years ahead, the government is required to press ahead with painful reforms, including capping benefits and increasing the amount people pay if they have the economic wherewithal to do so.

One calculation estimates that signing an EPA with Thailand would generate economic benefits worth about ¥1 trillion a year for Japan.

Postretirement health care and life insurance benefits are fully accrued, principally at retirement.

The amount of benefits paid has snowballed as the birth rate has dropped and society has aged.

The company introduced a new retirement benefit system in 2014, under which ¥2,750 per month is deducted from each employee’s periodic wage hikes and the money is set aside for additional retirement benefit payments.

The existing pension system is in a critical situation, but the Liberal Democratic Party stresses the need to increase benefits from welfare programs for senior citizens receiving low pensions.

The government and the ruling parties covered part of the government’s share of contributions to basic pension benefits with special bonds.

Through the merger, the two firms can expect to see benefits from the large increase in engineers capable of developing new fields.

To curb pension benefits, Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party) is calling for raising the pension eligibility age through creation of employment for the elderly.

Under the common number system, citizens will not be required to submit documents such as residence and income certificates when applying for pension and other welfare benefits, so the benefits of the system are also significant for citizens.

Under the present pay-as-you-go pension system, benefits for current pensioners are funded by premiums paid by the working population.

cash benefit

現金給付 現金給付金(cash payments)

cash benefitの関連語句

cash benefitの用例

As a case of Japan’s delay in digitization, confusion arose over online applications for the provision of special fixed cash benefits of ¥100,000 per person amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.

In order to shore up families in need, the new Biden administration has come up with an additional economic stimulus package worth about ¥200 trillion, centering on cash benefits for households.

The DPJ executives added the creation of a tax credit system, including tax breaks and cash benefits, to the bills to raise the consumption tax rate as relief measures for low-income earners.

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