
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

caused by

〜による 〜によって引き起こされる 〜が引き起こした 〜が原因の (⇒computer malfunction)

caused byの用例

Air pollution mainly caused by a high density of particulate matter 2.5, or PM2.5, is becoming ever more serious in China. And PM2.5 is reaching Japan as “transborder pollution” on a massive scale after sweeping over the sea.

A large amount of Pacific Ocean debris after the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake is expected to reach the U.S. West Coast starting in autumn.

A total of 44 people have developed symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea caused by infectious gastroenteritis due to norovirus at a hospital in Miyazaki Prefecture.

Beijing’s air pollution, which is approaching a level unsuitable for inhabitation, is mainly caused by vehicle emissions and soot produced when burning coal at factories.

Domestic vaccine makers are expressing dissatisfaction with a legislative bill aimed at helping only the victims of side effects caused by imported new-flu vaccine.

Due to heat stroke caused by scorching weather, 52,017 people were taken by ambulance to hospitals from May 31 to Sept. 5, 2010.

Emerging countries are anxious about the possibility of inflation caused by a large influx of funds as the U.S. FRB decided to relax its monetary policy.

In Beijing, there is overwhelming air pollution caused by particulate matter called PM2.5, and it has been reported a one-day stay in the city is the equivalent of smoking 21 cigarettes.

Japan’s current account surplus in March 2020 dived [went down] 32.1% from a year earlier due to damage caused by the new coronavirus pandemic.

Rafael Nadal came back after a seven-month layoff caused by knee trouble and won the eighth French Open title.

Such problems as hoarding by residents driven by anxiety could be caused by the declaration of a state of emergency.

The accumulated deficits of the compulsory auto insurance program exceeded ¥500 billion at the end of fiscal 2012. This is mainly because revenues decreased after premiums for the insurance were drastically lowered in fiscal 2008, while insurance payouts for deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents have increased.

The banking group will hold talks with customers over damages caused by the system crash.

The outbreak of pneumonia caused by a new strain of coronavirus in Wuhan, China has put other countries on alert as millions of Chinese travel for Lunar New Year.

This doctor has survived Ebola hemorrhagic fever, which is caused by ebolaviruses, by beating the odds.

Toxic shock syndromes (TSS) caused by a composite infection of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and influenza may have been responsible for the deaths of some of the patients at a hospital.

Two schools for Japanese children in Shanghai suspended students’ outside activities due to air pollution caused by the thick smog which cannot be overlooked.

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