
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

check in

宿泊名簿に記名する (所定の手続きをして)宿泊する チェックインする 搭乗手続きを済ませる 出勤する 到着する 借りた本を返却する

check inの関連語句

check inの用例

At an obstetrics and gynecology clinic in Kobe, a new diagnostic procedure which checks all chromosomes of embryos resulting from in vitro fertilization before implanting them in a uterus has been conducted.

Business sentiment and the willingness of household to spend may cool and stall the economy unless the sharp appreciation of the yen is checked.

Drug detection dogs that pass a certification test at the Tokyo Customs Canine Training Center check passenger baggage and cargo at airports and seaports as well as mail at international post offices.

FSA inspectors are to check the credibility of the banks’ debtor companies, including their management efficiency and the accuracy of their collateral assessment.

In an antigen test, mucus is collected from a person’s nasal cavity to check for protein fragments peculiar to the virus.

In drug and toxicity tests conducted by the police, measuring devices and test paper are used to check whether there are traces of a cyanide compound in the blood and saliva, excluding skeletal and similar remains.

In the method of preimplantation diagnosis, the fertilized ova are cultivated for five years, and some of them are selected to check whether they have genetic disorders when they grow into multicellular blastocysts.

Maternal serum marker screenings check a pregnant woman’s blood for certain chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

The new method of preimplantation diagnosis, comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) can check all 46 chromosomes in 23 pairs that are found in most human cells while the conventional ones are able to check only some of the 46 chromosomes.

The Tokyo Declaration adopted at the donor conference includes the establishment of a system to check the progress of international assistance and political reform by the Afghan government.

Under the present screening of application documents, even some of shoddy projects in “fake applications” devoid of substances could be approved unless they are strictly checked up.

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