英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
chemical weapons
化学兵器 (⇒chemical attack)
chemical weaponsの関連語句
chemical weaponsの用例
American diplomacy, backed by the threat of force, is why Syria’s chemical weapons are being eliminated.
As the threat to Israel, Syria’s stock of chemical weapons may fall into the hands of the Lebanese Islamist group Hezbollah.
Officials at an Army depot where nerve gas and other chemical weapons are stored found no trace of a reported intruder.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, U.S. officials said Syrian government forces have fired Scud missiles at insurgents, but there was no indication that chemical weapons were aboard the missiles.
The conclusions of the U.N. chemical weapons investigation team in Syria could have a dramatic impact on the trajectory of Syria’s civil war.
The OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons), which is engaged in its challenging mission of overseeing the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons, worked largely out of the limelight before the OPCW won the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize.
The United States would likely provide Albania with facilities for destroying Syria’s chemical weapons if the agreement between the two countries is given the final nod.
The UNSC resolution requiring Syria to give up its chemical weapons passed after two weeks of white-knuckle negotiations and marked a major breakthrough in the paralysis which has gripped the council.
The UNSC unanimously voted to secure and destroy Syria’s chemical weapons stock- pile.
The use of chemical weapons in Syria has underlined the need to enhance the efforts to do away with the weapons.
The war-torn Syria has been brought to the brink of a wider conflict by a suspected chemical weapons attack.
U.S. President Barack Obama blamed chemical attacks squarely on Syrian President Bashar Assad and said that the ideals and principles of the United States as well as its national security are at stake due to the use of chemical weapons.
U.S. President Barack Obama took a statement from Damascus accepting the Russian plan to turn over the chemical weapons stockpile with a grain of salt initially.
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