
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

close ranks

列を詰める 結束する 団結する

close ranksの関連語句

close ranksの用例

Ford Motor Co. closed its five North American plants as part of its overhaul plan.

In a new Western push to get President Bashar Assad to leave power, the Unites States closed its embassy in Syria.

In response to the rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 infections, local governments under the state of emergency have requested restaurants to shorten their business hours and close by 8 p.m.

In spite of Fed Chairman Bernanke’s bold remarks, stock prices in New York tumbled with the Dow Jones industrial average closing at more than 200 points lower than the previous day.

It will be very hard for Kansai Electric Power Co. to close the gap between power supply and demand unless its Oi nuclear power plant comes back online.

JAL stock closed at ¥3,830 per share on the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s First Section, after taking off at ¥3,810, up from the initial public offering price of ¥3,790.

Japanese shipbuilders are now on the verge of discovering whether they can recover their international competitiveness as China and South Korea close in.

Some Japanese-affiliated companies and Japanese restaurants have been forced to suspend their factory operations or close their outlets due to the acts of destruction by Chinese demonstrators.

Struggling chipmaker Renesas Electronics Corp. plans to close half of domestic plants and cut about 30 percent of its workforce.

The dollar-yen exchange rate closed at ¥101.2, a gain of nearly ¥25 since the beginning of the year.

The 225-issue Nikkei closed up 416.83 points at 11,463.75 on Feb. 6, 2013, the highest closing since Sept. 29, 2008, shortly after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, U.S. investment bank.

The 225-issue Nikkei Stock Average dropped below the 9,000 mark Wednesday to close at the year’s low of 8,845.39.

There are some cases in which a window asking a smartphone user to pay large bills repeatedly pops up on the screen despite the user’s attempts to close it.

These companies close their books between April and June.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange closed below 11,000 points.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報

