
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

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〜に近い だいたい[おおよそ]〜で 〜に接近している 〜付近の 〜に等しい 〜から離れない

close toの関連語句

close toの用例

America is closer to energy independence thanks to the so-called shale gas revolution.

A mirage is a phenomenon which occurs when light rays are refracted by the temperature difference between the warmer air at higher altitude and the cooler air close to the sea, forming reversed images of objects such as buildings.

Hotels, airlines and cruise operators especially in countries close to China are among the industries suffering the most immediate repercussions, due to the spread of new coronavirus.

Hu Jintao promoted two senior military leaders close to him as vice chairman of the Central Military Commission and he also placed members of his faction in the Politburo.

In fiscal 2021, the nominal economic growth rate, which is close to actual household budgets, is expected to reach 4.4%.

In the runoff election on May 6, Holande will move closer to victory if he succeeds in attracting the votes of people who supported Le Pen.

Prof. Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University implanted four kinds of genes into a mouse cell and made it close to that of a fertilized egg, giving it potential pluripotency in 2006.

The ECB’s policy rate is already close to zero and a further rate reduction will only have a limited effect.

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