
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

come to light

明るみに出る(be revealed) 明らかになる 暴かれる 表沙汰(おもてざた)になる 浮上する 発覚する (=be brought to light)

come to lightの用例

At the first press conference held since his scandal came to light due to the shocking revelation by his ghostwriter, the supposedly deaf composer Mamoru Samuragochi apologized for deceiving people with his lies.

In the case involving the poisoning of Chinese frozen gyoza dumplings which came to light in 2008, a Chinese defendant, a temporary worker at the manufacturer of frozen gyoza, has been sentenced to life imprisonment.

It came to light in April 2013 that a six-year-old girl who did not attend elementary school in Yokohama had died after being abused.

It came to light that several intrusion detection devices at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant in Niigata Prefecture had malfunctioned, when a worker accidentally broke one of the detection devices.

It has come to light that Mitsubishi Electric Corp. was hit by a cyber-attack, by which the personal data of employees and top-secret corporate information have been leaked.

Japanese government organizations have recently been the targets of a slew of Politicians have repeatedly tried to avoid accountability by saying they “were not aware of it” and “entrusted it to secretaries” whenever political funding scandals come to light.

Since the poisoned gyoza case came to light in 2008, some Japanese companies in China have adopted measures to prevent toxic substances from contaminating their products by setting up security cameras at their factories and requiring workers to wear pocketless working uniforms.

The allegation that Nomura leaked information on a planned capital increase of TEPCO to First New York Securities LLC came to light in June 2012.

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