
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

comfort woman

慰安婦 従軍慰安婦 (=sex slave)

comfort womanの用例

At a press conference, he made his remarks on the issue of former comfort women as an individual in response to a reporter’s persistent questioning.

At least legally, the issue of compensation for former comfort women was settled with the conclusion of the bilateral agreement on property claims and economic cooperation in 1965.

No evidence proving the forcible recruitment of comfort women by the military or other government authorities has been found up to now.

South Korea’s Seoul Eastern District Court issued a not-guilty verdict for the writer of a book titled “Teikoku no Ianfu” (Comfort Women of the Empire), for whom the prosecution sought a prison term of three years, saying that the writer damaged the honor of former comfort women.

Taiwan’s parliament adopted a resolution seeking an apology and compensation from Japan for comfort women.

The Asahi Shimbun admitted serious errors in past articles on the “comfort women” issue and retracted some of the articles.

The so-called comfort women issue has been ignited by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak’s recent visit to the Takeshima islands.

The term “comfort women” is a euphemism referring to women forced into sexual servitude in wartime Japanese military brothels.

We must dispel the international community’s misunderstandings on the comfort women issue so long as no evidence proving the forcible recruitment of them has been found.

With sovereignty over the Takeshima islands and the issue of comfort women in mind, South Korean President Park Geun-hye said in the United States and elsewhere that Japan should have a correct recognition of history.

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