英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
computer system
computer systemの用例
After 650,000 bitcoins belonging to customers, worth ¥22.9 billion as of Aug. 1, 2015, and ¥2.8 billion in cash disappeared from the computer systems of Mt. Gox, the virtual currency trading firm has become unable to make reimbursements to its clients.
Before being arrested by the Metropolitan Police Department, Mt. Gox president claimed that the bitcoins and cash disappeared from the firm’s computer system were stolen by hacker’s cyber-attacks.
If the customers suffer from actual damages by the malfunction of computer systems, the banks should consider paying compensation for the delay of the money transfers.
Mt. Gox is under bankruptcy procedures after it claimed that bitcoins worth a huge sum vanished from its computer system.
Under the accord, the companies will jointly develop computer systems to process deposits at leading banks and manage personnel, salaries and expenses for other businesses and hospitals.
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