
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

consultation services

コンサルティング業務 コンサルティング・サービス 相談窓口 (⇒indebted)

consultation servicesの関連語句

consultation servicesの用例

A law office specializing in legal consultation for foreign residents opened in Minato Ward, Tokyo, in Oct.15, 2012, financially backed by a bar association.

As further countermeasures against Lee’s words and deeds, the Japanese government is considering such steps as postponing a Japan-South Korea summit meeting and intergovernmental consultations.

In applying to have corporate merger plans screened, companies can opt for a voluntary prior consultation system prior to the legal screening by the FTC.

In a school bullying case, papers on two of three classmates were sent to prosecutors on suspicion of assault or other charges and the other was sent to a child consultation center for delinquency.

In fiscal 2016, the number of consultations on cases of “bullying and harassment” at offices such as labor bureaus across the country totaled 70,917, up 6.5 percent from the previous fiscal year.

National Police Agency data showed the number of consultations police received over “revenge porn,” or the posting of sexually explicit images of former lovers online, came to 1,143 in 2015, of which 90 percent were women and nearly 20 percent were minors.

The Supreme Court plans to establish an around-the-clock telephone consultation section that will provide psychological support to lay judges.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報





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