
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

consumption tax hike

消費税の引上げ 消費税率の引上げ 消費増税

consumption tax hikeの用例

As the central government’s debts have grown beyond the ¥1 quadrillion mark, the highest among major economic powers, there are concerns that government bond prices may nosedive if the government postpones the consumption tax hike.

College fees concerning enrollment, tuition, facility equipment usage fees and others are tax-free, but universities have to assume an increasing financial burden as a result of the consumption tax hike when they purchase supplies from April 2014.

Consumption tax hike is unavoidable in order to rehabilitate this country’s state finances and make the social security system sustainable.

Consumption tax hikes for newspapers, books and other publications would accelerate people’s moves away from printed matter.

More and more consumers are concerned about protecting themselves against the planned consumption tax hike, so the battle to attract customers among supermarkets is likely to continue.

The consumption tax hike in April 2014 may stall the economy. But now that Abe has made this important decision, we have no choice but to accept it.

The firm took advantage of the consumption tax hike to raise its product price.

The government plans to implement corporate tax cuts, coupled with the consumption tax hike, but it will take some time for the benefits of corporate tax cuts to reach consumers through wage hikes.

To secure a stable revenue source for ever-rising social security expenses on public pension, health care and nursing care programs through the consumption tax hike is the foundation for implementing comprehensive social security and tax reforms.

What is problematic concerning the consumption tax hike in April 2014 is that the economy, which has at long last started turning upward, may lose steam due to the hike.

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