
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

consumption tax rate hike

消費税率の引上げ 消費増税 (=a hike in the consumption tax rate)

consumption tax rate hikeの用例

As there are concerns about the ramifications of drops in sales after the consumption tax rate hike as well as a respite in the effect of the depreciating yen, new challenges are now confronting Japanese industries.

It must be avoided that the government should increase the number of public works projects, including nonessential ones, by counting on a revenue increase due to the consumption tax rate hike.

New Komeito has insisted that a lower tax rate should be introduced along with the consumption tax rate hike to 10 percent.

Personal spending has been robust due to the asset growth from higher stock prices and a surge in last-minute demand before the consumption tax rate hike.

Several minor opposition parties argue that the consumption tax rate hike would be a breach of the Democratic Party of Japan’s election manifesto.

The DPJ leadership stipulated in the bills of the consumption tax rate hike that the government aims to revitalize the economy by achieving nominal economic growth rate of about 3 percent and real growth rate of about 2 percent.

The government will factor in the GDP growth rate during the April-June quarter in deciding whether to implement the consumption tax rate hike.

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