
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

cope with

〜に対応する 〜に対処する 〜に対抗する 〜に立ち向かう 〜と張り合う 〜を(うまく)処理する 〜を切り抜ける 〜を克服する 〜に対する

cope withの関連語句

cope withの用例

According to the draft of guideline measures to cope with nuclear disasters, stable iodine pills to prevent radiation exposure in thyroid glands will be preemptively distributed to houses within a 50-kilometer radius of nuclear power plants.

As his policy in the diplomatic and security arena after assuming the presidency, Putin emphasized to strengthen Russia’s nuclear deterrence to cope with the United States.

Discussion among advanced countries alone cannot cope with the challenges facing the world economy.

Given the severe security environment surrounding Japan, it’s a reasonable response that the government will increase its defense spending to cope with China’s maritime expansion and North Korea’s nuclear and missile threats.

Governors are able to order eating and dining establishments to suspend operations or to shorten their business hours under the revised special measures law to cope with new strains of influenza, and administrative fines will be imposed if an order is not complied with.

In coping with the Great Depression of the 1930s, the policy makers of many governments expected the gold standard to function as an automatic market adjusting mechanism, or market stabilizer.

Japanese firms’ moves to shift production abroad to cope with the yen’s rise will bring about a hollowing-out of domestic industries.

Preparations at Japanese companies to cope with cyber-attacks are not thoroughgoing.

The draft guideline of the Nuclear Regulation Authority presents measures to cope with situations where large quantities of radioactive substances have been discharged.

The government submitted a bill to revise the special measures law to cope with new strains of influenza to the ordinary Diet session, the main pillar of which is the introduction of penalties on restaurants.

The Nuclear Regulation Authority, Japan’s nuclear watchdog, released a draft of guideline measures to cope with nuclear disasters.

To cope with protests that have stirred up violent attacks, Thailand’s government declared a state of emergency in Bangkok and surrounding areas.

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