
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

corporate value assessment special committee


corporate value assessment special committeeの関連語句

corporate value assessment special committeeの用例

According to the stipulation of the Public Offices Election Law, a gubernatorial election must be held within 50 days after the president of the prefectural assembly informs the election committee of a governor’s resignation.

A European Commission trade commissioner said at the European Parliament’s International Trade Committee meeting that the EU and the United States could sign a comprehensive partnership agreement as early as the end of 2014.

After the installation of the new leadership, the All Japan Judo Federation will hold the first meeting of its reform committee to discuss the reform of the board of trustees.

At its shareholders meeting, the company will explain measures to strengthen corporate governance and reconstruct management, including limiting terms of directorship, introducing mandatory retirement for directors and setting up an independent committee to nominate candidates for directorships and setting their salaries.

Audit Committee of the board of directors is composed of directors who are not employees.

In a bizarre move, the Rules and Administration committees of both houses of the Diet have called on the government to investigate the media report on planned government nominations in advance.

In a draft of the government’s Earthquake Research Committee’s reevaluation, the number of active faults that could cause earthquakes with a magnitude of 7 or higher has doubled in Kyushu.

In 2012, we shifted some people and responsibilities on our Management Executive Committee, with an eye to increasing the pace of growth and globalization.

It was pointed out in the final report that the dogmatic decision-making of the training committee head was inappropriate.

North Korea has promised to establish a special investigative committee to reinvestigate the whereabouts of Japanese abductees.

The Chinese Communist Party held the first plenary session of the 18th Central Committee in Beijing.

The government will establish a committee dubbed the “panel for the realization of the robot revolution in September 2014.”

The investigation committee questioned the bank’s excessive funding of a golf course developer.

The Republican Party officially nominated former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as its president and House of Representatives Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan as its vice president.

The Tokyo 2020 Bid Committee to host the 2020 Summer Olympic Games submitted its candidature file, which runs about 270 pages, to the International Olympic Committee.

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected a ceiling on overall contributions to candidates, parties and political action committees (PACs).

Xi Jinping was elected general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party at the CCP’s first plenary session of the 18th Central Committee.
習近平(国家副主席)が、中国共産党(the Chinese Communist party)の第18期中央委員会第1回総会で、中国共産党の総書記に選ばれた。

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