
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

create value for shareholders

株主の価値を創出する 株主の価値を高める 株主の利益を高める 株主に対する資産価値を創出する

create value for shareholdersの関連語句

create value for shareholdersの用例

Apple Inc.’s cofounder Steve Jobs created such groundbreaking products as the Macintosh personal computer and the iPod portable media player.

Big Camera’s acquisition of Kojima will create N0.2 consumer electronics retailer.

Cells produced from iPS cells have been increasingly used for research into creating new medicines.

Just before the San Francisco Peace Treaty went into effect, then South Korean President Syngman Rhee unilaterally took control of the Takeshima islands by creating the Syngman Rhee Line.

People who use social networks without using their names are increasing, which has created a problem with online slander [calumny].

The Democratic Party of Japan and the People’s New Party have submitted a bill to the Diet to create the Osaka metropolis that Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto has pushed for.

The Japan Student Baseball Charter created in 1946 was extensively revised in 2010, and the ban on interactions between pros and amateurs was lifted in principle.

The merger between the TSE and the OSE will create the world’s second-largest exchange group in terms of the total market value of listed shares.

The mission of the Japan Legal Support Center, also known as Houterasu, which was established in 2006 as a public corporation under the jurisdiction of the Justice Ministry is to create a judicial system that is easy to use and accessible to the public.

The product sold at specially created venues within the department store was different from the genuine article in the texture and the feel of the materials.

The protagonist of an animated movie titled “Kaze Tachinu” (The Wind Rises), which has been attracting attention, is modeled after a brilliant designer for the Imperial Japanese Navy who was involved in creating Zero fighters used by suicide attack units.

Two major airlines of the United States merged in 2010 to create the world’s biggest carrier.

Typhoon No. 18 weakened into an extratropical cyclone, but moist air moved into the Kanto region and the southern part of the Tohoku region, creating cumulonimbus clouds which unleashed torrential rain in those areas.

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