cut back on

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

cut back on

〜を削減[縮小]する 〜を減らす 節減する 節約する 〜を切り詰める 〜を控える 抑制する

cut back onの関連語句

cut back onの用例

A “small government” which Romney advocates refers to a policy line that would attempt to boost the economy with a variety of tax cuts and regulatory easing while drastically cutting back on federal spending.

The global economic slowdown has forced foreign and domestic companies to cut back on overseas trips.

The utility company is studying the wisdom of asking power users to cut back on power consumption by 5 percent compared with last summer.

To prevent the development of mistrust in government bonds, the government must demonstrate its resolve to exercise fiscal discipline by such means as cutting back on wasteful fiscal spending.

U.S. businesses cut back sharply on hiring in August and put pressure on the FRB to give the sluggish economy another jolt.

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